May 21, 2008

Research is funny...

I found this interesting, even though anyone who's gone to college could tell you this:

Study: Sleepy Brain Prone to Sudden Shutdowns

Another term that I've heard used for this is "microsleep." Basically, your body is so tired that your brain makes you sleep for milliseconds at a time when you're in the middle of trying to function normally. Ever been working on something and suddenly jerked your head up as though you were just waking up? That's your body telling you that if you don't sleep soon, it will make you, like it or not, no matter where you are or what you're doing.

May 19, 2008

A Busy Week

Normally, I like to keep things pretty chill...pretty much all the time. In college, I used to run myself ragged, but in recent years, I have learned not to take on too much (sort of).

Which is what made last week so interesting. Monday night I had an audition; Tuesday night my little sister was in town. Wednesday Haley and I had lunch at La Terraza; Thursday was another exciting installment of Lost and The Office. Friday I watched the Simpsons Movie. Saturday Jen and I got makeovers from Haley, and I went to the movies. (Iron Man is great!) Sunday, I had church, then picking my sister up from the airport, then more hanging out with Sara, then Brandon's CD release party. I'm exhausted!

That said, it was a great week! I just hope I don't fall asleep on the couch as much this week...

May 7, 2008


A little peek into my life yesterday, in the form of a word problem (tax not included).

At Taco Bell, one soft taco costs $.89, a medium drink costs $1.39 and a large drink costs $1.59. A value meal of three soft tacos and one large drink costs $4.49. If Natalie goes to Taco Bell and wants 3 soft tacos and a drink, what is the most economical way for her to purchase them?

Answer: Natalie should buy 3 soft tacos and a medium drink. This will cost $4.06. If she gets 3 soft tacos and a large drink, it will cost $4.26. The value meal is the most expensive option at $4.49.

May 3, 2008

If You Haven't Seen This...

You should take a minute to check it out. It's a side by side comparison of the trailer for the first Batman movie and the new Dark Knight. They're amazingly similar...

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Also, bizarre that the first Batman came out almost 20 years ago. To me, anyway.