Sep 28, 2009
Aug 12, 2009
There's a reason for things
I just read an article entitled, "In New Film, Urban Chickens Come Home to Roost." I may be blowing things way out of proportion here, but doesn't it seem to you like we stopped farming in cities for a reason?
I have no real issue with using abandoned urban areas for growing vegetables. That seems like advanced gardening to me. But animal husbandry is a *groan* horse of a different color. Animals, when properly tended to, may not be much of an issue. But the scope of disaster for people who do it wrong, yeesh! Can you imagine all the exciting disease outbreaks that could await us?
I know that people who handle this responsibly wouldn't have as much trouble with this sort of thing (for all those respectable urban farmers reading my blog), but laws are made for abuse, and this seems like an area that would be very dangerous. These are my thoughts on urban farming. Aren't you glad you know now?
Aug 10, 2009
Jul 8, 2009
Sometimes I get bored...
Jen sent this to me, and I thought it was fun. It's a quiz where all of your answers have to start with the first letter of your last name. Here's mine. Not thrilling blog content, but get over it.
- What is your last name? Stone
- A 4 Letter Word: Stop
- A Boys Name: Sven
- A Girls Name: Sara
- An Occupation:Seamstress
- A Color: Silver
- Something you wear: Shoes
- A Beverage: Shasta
- A Food: Salami
- Something found in the bathroom: Sink
- A place: Shangri-La
- A Reason for being late: Sleep
- Something you shout: Stop or I'll shoot!
- A movie: Sleeper
- An animal: Sphinx
Jun 26, 2009
Bad Luck Comes in Threes
Yesterday, when it was officially announced that Farrah Fawcett died, one of my co-workers said, "I wonder who's next?" It's a bit of a newsroom legend/old wives' tale that bad new, particularly deaths, travel in threes. Who would have guessed that MJ would be next?
I have to say, I liked Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett. They will both always be a part of the pop culture that surrounded me as an American, but MJ was bigger than both of them for me. MJ was a quintessential part of being a child in the 80s. I heard on the news last night that his first TV appearance was in 1969. That's 40 years of public life, and his public life was a part of my private one.
For me, MJ stopped being of interest to me in the mid-90s. After that, things got a little too weird for me and most people my age. While I'm certainly sad to see that he'll never make a big comeback or transition back into the realm of normalcy, I have to say that his death won't likely affect me much more than the initial shock. MJ is already a part of my past, and I was never a part of his life. It was a one-way street that I've stopped traveling.
But that doesn't mean I won't sing along. Don't ever think that.
(I was going to put in the video for Billie Jean here, my all-time favorite, but I can't embed it. You should check it out anyway because it is SO good.)
Jan 14, 2009
Guys, I cannot even deal with how cute this is. The closer on the story is a little schlechy, but COME ON a dog and an elephant who are FRIENDS! You cannot make this stuff up.
The video below I stole from Taylor's blog, but it's just too weird. Needed to share.
I will post my resolutions soon, really I will...
Jan 2, 2009
Jan 1, 2009
An Eventful Couple of Weeks
Well, 2008 decided to go out with a bang for me. Since a blog is a place to start a conversation (even with comments, blogs are naturally one-sided), I'm going to give you the run-down on what happened and what remains...
Dec. 22: Dinner party at our house. Gift exchange, too much champagne, good times had by all. Great to see such good friends before leaving for Huntsville.
Dec. 23: World's worst hangover, haircut, chiropractor, packing and driving to Huntsville.
Dec. 24: Christmas shopping with Dad, Christmas with the McCutchans. Really not that weird without Dad, oddly enough. Elaine, my aunt with whom I have nothing in common, was very low-key this year. Refrained from saying anything to raise my blood pressure (like the time a few years ago when she told me that it was stupid to study history because it already happened...).
Dec. 25: Christmas morning with the fam at Mom's, great family time, good gifts and the treat of brunch with Grandaddy Charles. GC did let us know that he's planning to live to 104, since his oldest sister was that age when she passed; he's 95. Again, I kick myself for not being related to him by blood. No Stone family Christmas at Grandaddy's this year, as my cousin Michelle was hospitalized with pneumonia.
Dec. 26: Chill. No shopping even. Excellent dinner with Mom, Mammaw, Pappaw, Sara and her boyfriend Tadi. Delicious food followed by Mexican Train.
Dec. 27: Head to Atlanta with Mom. See the Tut exhibit, do some great shopping.
Dec. 28: Visit Michelle in the hospital, see the Georgia Aquarium. Drive back just in time to miss the Stone family Christmas, that I had not been told was happening.
Dec. 29: Sandy, one of my parents' dogs, gets very ill, spend most of the day watching her.
Dec. 30: More time watching Sandy, lunch with Mammaw and Mom at Taziki's (hooray!), drive back to Nashville and begin the plumbing fiasco. Find out that our homeowner may not be able to afford to fix the problem, as in the house may get foreclosed on can't afford it. Cannot use toilets or showers.
Dec. 31: Visit houses that we may be moving into this weekend, should the plumbing situation worsen. Birthday lunch for Jen at J. Alexander's. Prep for NYE party at our house, after much debate over whether it's a good idea to have a party when you have to go to the neighbor's house to pee. Amy Harlan comes into town, friends arrive, 2009 rung in watching Eddie Izzard.
Exciting times...Next post, New Year's Resolutions. Boring, but helpful for me...