Oct 19, 2008

I'm so tired

Of the election. I think election fatigue is going to become a diagnosable medical disorder one of these days. Here is my lament, and it's not related to a candidate so don't think I'm going to tell you why I'm voting for who I'm voting for here. We picked the wrong way to choose the men who run for President. When Washington was elected, he didn't campaign. The people wanted him, and he acquiesced.

We used to nominate people in a more honest fashion. We looked around for the best and brightest and said, "Him! I want him to lead us!" And then there was an election, and then we had a President. It wasn't an office you prepared your whole life for in the same way that it is now. You spent your whole life living as a good and honest servant, and people responded. They weren't perfect, but no one is. So, despite advances in technology, I'm just wondering, could we go back to the late 1700s? I would still like to be able to vote, though, and wear pants, which could be tricky...

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