Sep 15, 2010

I've Moved!

For those who still have this blog in their RSS reader, you can find me over at these days. Or you can reach me at natalie [dot] stn [at] gmail [dot] com.

Sep 28, 2009

Test, test

Just seeing if this works...

Aug 12, 2009

There's a reason for things

I just read an article entitled, "In New Film, Urban Chickens Come Home to Roost." I may be blowing things way out of proportion here, but doesn't it seem to you like we stopped farming in cities for a reason?

I have no real issue with using abandoned urban areas for growing vegetables. That seems like advanced gardening to me. But animal husbandry is a *groan* horse of a different color. Animals, when properly tended to, may not be much of an issue. But the scope of disaster for people who do it wrong, yeesh! Can you imagine all the exciting disease outbreaks that could await us?

I know that people who handle this responsibly wouldn't have as much trouble with this sort of thing (for all those respectable urban farmers reading my blog), but laws are made for abuse, and this seems like an area that would be very dangerous. These are my thoughts on urban farming. Aren't you glad you know now?

Aug 10, 2009

Is this me?

I'm beginning to worry about my online rep now...

Jul 8, 2009

Sometimes I get bored...

Jen sent this to me, and I thought it was fun. It's a quiz where all of your answers have to start with the first letter of your last name. Here's mine. Not thrilling blog content, but get over it.

  1. What is your last name? Stone

  2. A 4 Letter Word: Stop

  3. A Boys Name: Sven

  4. A Girls Name: Sara

  5. An Occupation:Seamstress

  6. A Color: Silver

  7. Something you wear: Shoes

  8. A Beverage: Shasta

  9. A Food: Salami

  10. Something found in the bathroom: Sink

  11. A place: Shangri-La

  12. A Reason for being late: Sleep

  13. Something you shout: Stop or I'll shoot!

  14. A movie: Sleeper

  15. An animal: Sphinx