Apr 30, 2008

A Brief Update

Merger: We're almost through it! We go live tomorrow, and I am almost done with all the work I need to get done...Almost...

O'More: I get to model for the O'More College of Design Fashion Show next week. Good thing I haven't been eating well or sleeping much lately.

Home: My parents are finally getting a divorce. I'm not upset about it yet, which seems strange to me. I feel I should be upset. I know my little sister is. Maybe it just doesn't seem real yet. We'll see.

Birthdays: My mom's is tomorrow. I've got her present already, but now I've got to get her a Mother's Day gift. And then I have to figure out something for my little sister's birthday, which is in 3 weeks. I have some ideas, but I'd love to hear yours...

Apr 26, 2008

Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

I just watched two pretty hopeful movies, but they made me sad. I guess it's just that kind of a day. For a Saturday, it was pretty eventful. (Take into account that on most Saturdays, I stay in bed for as long as possible, then take a bath, then read for a few hours. If at all possible, I don't got anywhere I can't walk.)

First thing this morning, I went to a preliminary fitting to the O'Moore College of Design's annual fashion show. I had a lot of fun trying on clothes and looking at all the beautiful designs. I'm not sure that I'll actually be in the show, but I hope so, mostly because I want to see how all the pieces turn out (quite a few of them were missing seams, fasteners or even the bottom half of the outfit).

After that, I went to lunch at Tossed with my friend Jennifer Enss. We did a show together about a year ago and don't get to see each other too often, as she lives in Spring Hill. I had a crepe, and it was excellent, surprisingly enough. Then we went and got gelato at Nucci's. I think it may be my summer obsession this year :9 Then we tooled around for a bit and did some shopping. I was very well-behaved I might add. No splurging.

Then I came home and watched Lady in the Water (finally) and Holiday. I really enjoyed both, but they made me a little sad. Lady made me sad for M. Night's character, although I loved the movie. Holiday made me sad because sometimes I wish I could commit to living that way, and I'm beginning to worry that I can't. Overall, though, it's a great old classic, and I highly recommend it. (Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, come on!)

There are some other things I want to talk about, but I'm going to save them for a later date, as I am tired, and they are serious.

Apr 17, 2008

All nature sings

and 'round me rings the music of the spheres...

Apr 12, 2008

Sometimes I feel bad about myself...

And then I watch reality television.

Tonight, I was watching Extreme Makeover. Don't ask why. I was bored, OK? ANYway, there was a girl being made over who was 26, and had never been kissed. While I think that is sad, what was sadder was that she was still hung up on things that happened to her in eighth grade. EIGHTH GRADE!

I'll be the first to admit that middle school is an awkward time. It certainly was for me. And some of my schoolmates did some pretty rotten things to me. Everyone thought I was weird, and most of them didn't like me because I was smart. However, as a 25-year-old woman, I'm happy to say that I don't really think about that anymore. Which is not to say that I'm not neurotic. I'm just saying I try to keep my neuroses connected to at least the current decade.

I was talking to our clinic manager at work on Friday (I work for a behavioral health company, if you didn't know), and he said, "It seems to me that people are just getting sicker and sicker." Sometimes I wonder if that's true. Are people more mentally ill now than they were 50 years ago? Or are there just more people? Or does it tie back to the fact that there is less stigma for the mentally ill these days? I mean, I think some people would say that homosexuality is rampant nowadays, but I would say there were probably proportionally as many homosexuals in the past. It's just that now gay people don't have to live in fear as much as they used to.

I wonder if it isn't a little cool to be in mental anguish these days? Think of all the moody MySpace photos you've seen in the last few years. I mean, emo is an entire lifestyle built around feeling unhappy. I'm as prone to this as the next person. There's something about being sad that I think we all secretly like. Otherwise, why would we do it so often? There's something selfish in sadness, but it's hard to say what...I think that's the bottom line. It's the only time we can be selfish without giving ourselves a hard time. I mean, we're sad, OK? It was a bad day. Can you blame us for being upset?

This is not to say that your friends will agree that you can't be blamed for being sad. It can be a bit tiresome to deal with someone who's always depressed. That's why Debbie Downer is funny, right?

Apr 9, 2008


I guess I wasn't Earnest enough? No Oscar Wilde for me.

Apr 8, 2008

The Importance of...

So tonight I auditioned for The Importance of Being Earnest.

Let me say two things: 1) I love this show, and 2) I loathe auditions. It's been awhile since I was last in a show (October), which means it's been almost 6 months since I last auditioned for anything.

Let me explain my loathing a little. (I mean, clearly you have nothing better to do, you're reading my blog...) First, there is the impending sense of rejection. In all likelihood, you won't get the role. It's a matter of statistics. Then, there's the awkwardness of the "friendly" competition. You want to tell that girl who just read that she did a good job, but you don't want to make her nervous/uncomforable...or help her get the part. What to do?

The other issue is this: how do you gauge how you're doing? OK, for some people, this probably isn't an issue. But for me it is. Like tonight, I felt alright about how I did for my readings. My accent was solid, which wasn't the case for all the auditionees, but other that I didn't really know. I seemed to be loud enough, but I felt a little stiff. My first reading was good, my second was...eh...and I have no idea at all about the third. After the third, the group I was in was dismissed. So I'm thinking I was mediocre, but I know the director so maybe it'll go my way. As I'm leaving, my friend Zach stops me and tells me that hands down I did the best reads of both nights of auditions. Um...!!!

So maybe I don't loathe auditions as much as I thought...but maybe I do. I still had butterflies on the way in, shakes during and a racing heart after. This can't be good for my health.

I should know soon whether or not I got the part; I'll let you know.